Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Okay so I'm a typical 21 year old, and I hate texting. Wait I wouldn't call myself typical, well cause I hate a lot of 21 year old's love like texting. I hate hearing the keypad when I'm trying to take notes. I hate hearing the vibration on a desk or in a bag. It's annoying! I know our generation is all for texting sending symbols and smiling faces for expression. I love the smiley faces. XD But seriously can we put down the phones to have an actual conversation. I mean come on.

       I also hate when people do it while their driving! It's so annoying I mean is it really that important to know what club you guys are going to meet up? Can you just pull over and see or wait until you get out of the car. I don't understand how people now in that age can drive and text. Nearly 50 percent of teens admit to text messaging while driving -- an alarming statistic that now rivals driving and drinking in terms of danger and prevalence(Vogel). I got that from an article it's amazing how much texting effects the lives of young people. But I guess that is this day of age.


  1. i agree i mean i text but the whole driving and texting bothers me so much.

  2. Seriously! Texting while driving! I bet there's people who text while their in the shower! And who knows what else, i don't want to know, but people go over with texting.

  3. personally i agree but i only dislike texting due to the fact that i dont have it...

  4. yes who doesnt hate when you are taking a text and all of a succen somebidys phone is ringing! It is really annoying!

  5. Texting while driving is so dangerous! i completely agree, i always scold whom ever im with if they insist on doing such things.
