Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Cody Blog XD

  So when we were asked to interview about a fellow classmate. I was honored to have gotten Cody Codner. I was asked to ask him a series of questions. Here we go! Cody was born in West Virginia, but lived in Ohio. He moved here in 1990, yeah that long ago.  Cody is motivated by well, what else? He wants a well paying job like we all do. What his current schedule looks like, well right now Cody goes to school Monday’s-Thursday. He works on Saturday’s. And he does EMT during the fairs. He balances everything in his life by; him spending time with his family he helps out around the house. And school well he goes four days a week. Also, he works only on Saturdays’. Cody has no mentor he is his own role model.  Cody thinks of himself as a role model, because well he does everything on his own. He pays his way through school and all the expenses and a lot of people see that. He likes letting others know if he can do it on his own anybody can.  If Cody can describe himself in three words he says honest, determined, and “Special.”  Cody sees himself working as a Firefighter/EMT. Cody has one motto and one philosophy. His motto is “Hope for the best plan for the worst.” And his philosophy is “If you work hard for something you just might get it.”  Cody like a lot about Oxnard College he likes the people, and the diversity of them.  Cody thinks like us others the things that can be improved at the College well come on? Parking, cheaper books, cheaper food, because really the prices are outrages.  Cody’s culture had no part of his decision to come to college it was his own.  Well Cody’s biggest surprised about College so far was it was more fun than he expected, and of course, “Me” Sylvia Gaona. I changed his whole experience, because well I am so awesome.


  1. hahaha..That is the best blog I have ever read!! Great Job! That Cody fellow seems to be a really great guy. I'd like to meet him. Again, great blog!

  2. OMG...Cody, you are "SPECIAL"..and yes, I mean "front of the bus" goofballs....good article....and I'll leave it at that....

  3. I enjoyed reading this... Wait, I wonder if you were related in another life. Fun read...

  4. Yeah I gotta agree with her, this was fun to read. Our class kicks butt!

  5. Haha its pretty funny how both of you talk about each other in your blog! But it was a good interview, I enjoyed reading it.

  6. our class is awesome and this was a great interview good progress!

  7. Yea i think we all go to school just to get a better job in the future. But i guess it's worth it.

  8. I agree, books are way too expensive in school, they should definitely lower the prices.

  9. Hey,hey I'm more awesome! joking great interview kept me interested in reading it all.

  10. Great that you got each other in the interview! It was awesome, in fact!
