Monday, September 6, 2010

Reality TV

Well I have sort of a guilt pleasure of watching it. I can say I like some of it, but then I ask myself why? I honestly do not know why I do watch it. I mean I find myself so into to it, that at some point my husband goes crazy. He finds reality tv not real. He knows that it is all fake. He tells me all the time and he just laughs that I watch it. I know it's fake but the way they lure you into to watching it is insane. I hate that I like some shows out there. I'm not going to list them cause it's too embarrassing. I wish that I can put down the remote and just get up and change it,but I can't. I wish there was something better on, but other then that I watch nothing but Nick. I have two kids so they control the TV during the day. When it's my time to watch TV I watch useless things. When I should watch something more educational. But I hope to actually grow out of it soon. Cause at this point my husband is about to lose it.

I think I also watch this stuff cause I miss the old TV. Do you remember the old Nick shows? Like the 90's I miss all those shows. I miss the old MTV; where they actually played music and not bad shows. I miss all those things from the past. I miss when watching TV was a good and fun thing to do, and not a guilty pleasure. I just miss all those shows where we all loved and really I mean really enjoy. I hope they start soon bringing those kinds of shows back. Just so this generation doesn't rely on a lot of bad acting. Come on do we really want to remember Snookie? Well I want to not remember the trash we watch now. Yes I do watch some stuff,but I do intend to stop. I mean it's so hard when you have these people making fool of themselves. I know they are paid. I mean can we talk about how much they get paid it's ridiculous. It just makes me mad that they get those kind of paychecks for drinking and doing nothing. 


  1. At least you realizd that you have a problem and thats the first step.

  2. Since you have kids, you have added an added incentive to stop watching the shows!

  3. I miss the 90's shows as well, everything has gotten so warped!!

  4. i like to watch some of it also but foraure it is a guilt trip! as i do you also need to try stopping watching the shows even though its hard.

  5. what matters is that your working on not watching so reality television.
